This is my second post, so don't blame me for posting on the wrong thread, try to tell me where I can put my posts in threads :D
Anyway, back to the main reason of why I posted this.
In all the other role-plays, there are role-plays that has to do with dices, which where you roll a dice in order to attack. That is one of the common Role-Plays in the role-playing community. Another is where you do nothing but tell a story, which exactly means that how you end up, is not by your skills to role-play, but to tell a perfect story. The second one is my favorite, since mostly I won't have too many restrictions like not attacking other player's character (Not saying it's a fuss, but I feel very restricted with it, as since I cannot move accordingly to my story.).
Now if this is the thread for suggesting designs for role-play, I have an idea.
Instead of waiting for everyone to post their story, I've thought up of an role-play function called the "Story Continuing"(Its my own stupid made-up name, it never existed, maybe it did, but I have no idea of where it has.). The basic function of the "story continuing", is to continue the post that the GM (And ONLY the GM.) had made. Something like this :
- Code: Select all
The skies was dark, and the animals started to flee. He could see pieces of lighting approach closer and closer, until the lighting was only a few meters in front of him.
The GM had made a post, and now, it is up to other players to use their creative imaginations, and continue the post, like this :
- Code: Select all
The lighting approached, and I took a step back, terrified by the lighting that had miraculously not hit me. My feet was shaking, and I sat down. I looked at the direction the lighting had struck, with a terrified face.
Now I had continued the GM's post. The idea of this post, is to not mix up the player's ideas, and instead, they can use the other player's character at any way they want (Of course, if it's the death of the characters are involved, the one will who will cause the character to died, MUST get permission from the character's owner. Another thing is that the personalities, weapons, or anything personal, must stay they way the character's owner had made them to be).
This is just my idea of another of RP-ing, and anyone can modify it to any way they want, and make it enjoyable to the many Role-Players out there in the world.
"Till then,
Warmest regards,
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