Wednesday, November 7, 2012

MLM Success Tips ? Introducing Tim Sales |

Posted on 06. Nov, 2012 by Viola Tam in MLM BLOG

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Hello, it is November! Welcome to this month?s featured trainer, Tim Sales!

For those who know who Tim is, please bear with me as I introduce him briefly to our new friends here.

Tim was from a working class family in Tennessee. He used to work full time as an underwater squad technician for the US Navy. After successfully building a massive Network Marketing empire, he went on to produce a wide range of network marketing tools. You can click here to read more about him. Make sure you do not miss the Circus Flea story that got him moving in?a totally different direction.

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From an extremely shy person with just a few friends in the whole world, Tim is now a well-respected professional network marketing trainer.

His personal story from the least articulate person to becoming a network marketing expert is truly inspirational. And?. he started part time. Make sure you visit his site and get a free copy of his eBook ?How to Build a HUGE M.L.M. Business Working Part-Time?.

Tim Sales has a unique way of expressing network marketing success. He states that it is ONLY when the prospect?s life gets easier that the network marketer can make a sale.

This philosophy makes so much sense to me!

Why would our prospect want our products or services if the prospect?s life is not becoming easier?

Whether the prospect gets more energy or saves on phone bills, there is something that the prospect is happy about.

Perhaps the prospect can enjoy a better quality of life by doing network marketing as a home-based business?
Or, perhaps, it is the passive income that the network marketer is after for a more secured future?

Tim is right. There got to have some benefit for the prospects!

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Ever since I invited in Tim?s training material, my skills reached another level. I am now encouraging my team members to use a lot of his training material in order to master the basic skills in doing network marketing professionally. Here, I am having some fun with the acronym TIM:

T = Tools

The wide range of educational tools created by Tim are truly first class. Amongst his training material, I am most impressed with the Brilliant Compensation DVD which is also available in the CD format. He?interviewed Doctor Charles King, Doctorate in Business Adminstration from Harvard, to share with?his in-depth research on the Network Marketing industry. Dr. King expressed that there is no question that the network marketing industry is one of the most efficient channels in all the marketing discipline.

Apart from Brilliant Compensation, his other tools are exceptionally good. ?Build Your Own Buisness: A Practical Guide to Building a Business? is another excellent resource?that is?easy for a person with no business background?to understand.

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His Brilliant Communicator CD set covers the ten qualities that cause your prospect to talk to you, to listen to you, and to follow your suggestion. Professional Invitor is the absolute MUST have asset that any serious network marketers should invest.

Brilliant Questions, Straight Answers is another amazing tool that no new network marketers should be without. Tim Sales talks about new distributors having to talk to a list of friends and relatives. Tim says that approaching those people without first mastering the skills to answer some common questions (objections) is likened to a suicide mission!

How true! Rather than having the new distributors not knowing what to say and feeling uncomfortable having to deal with questions, how about teaching them upfront the skills that are absolutely essential?

One thing I love Tim is that his tools are ever evolving. He has recently added some more training materials. You may want to check it out.

I = Integrity

Tim?s philosophy for making people?s lives better has earned him the fame as one of the most?ethical?network marketing professionbals.

When our products or services cannot address an issue that the prospect is facing, Tim would not even present. That is, everywhere a professional network marketer goes, he is doing ?greet & qualify? the Tim Sales way. Prospecting cannot be any easier. It is truly professional too. No longer will our friends or relatives be chased.

Doing network marketing in such a respectful manner means that we are not annoying people who do not want our services.

We are doing a great service to those who do!

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M = Methodology

Tim has a special way of teaching network marketers. He would include special sound effects and stop at certain segments of his conversations with prospects. He would? draw our attention to details so that we can learn how to fine tune our skills. He often explains why he would do certain things in a particular manner. Going through his training CD is much like having him coaching me face-t0-face.

Another aspect about the methodology is that Tim emphasizes on having the prospects really understand the network marketing concept first. Prospects?coming from a non-business background?like Tim would be euducated about what constitutes?a good business.

I am impressed with Tim?s using a basketball going through a garden hose to illusttrate the point ? that the Baby Boomers have been leading all kinds of marketing trends in the past decades. It does not take?a genius to understand the benefit in staying in front of marketing trends. That is, marketing premier products or services that many baby boomers need and want is obviously a wise choice.

If you and your team have also benefited in using Tim?s amazing tools, I would love to hear from you.

Feel free to share this post in other social media if you feel that it can help others.

Viola Tam

Your MLM Success Coach

Tags: mlm success, tim sales


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