NFL Snack Attack Father's Day Gift Basket
June is a great month. Lots of weddings, at which tea is becoming increasingly popular. Summer starts, Dad?s are honored, and much more. Now, I know many of you drink tea for the sheer pleasure of it, but how much more pleasurable to toast some special occasion with your teacup! To help you out there, I am once again presenting a month?s worth of perfect occasions to do just that.
I skipped some obvious dates, including Flag Day on the 14th, Father?s Day on the 19th, and Summer Solstice on the 21st, since the point is to bring some lesser-known dates to your attention and show how they are great reasons to enjoy tea (as if you need one!).
First, the monthly notables: Dairy Month, Candy Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, National Adopt a Cat Month, National Rose Month, and Turkey Lovers Month (not sure if they mean as pets or in a sandwich). Also, the second week of June is Email Week.
- Flip a Coin Day ? June 1st ? Sometimes this is the method I have to use when standing at the open door of my tea pantry trying to decide which tea to have next.
- First U.S. Spacewalk by Ed White in 1965? June 3rd ? I saw a video about astronauts using some sort of chopsticks to drink their tea in zero gravity. Maybe you could give it a try and see how well you do.
- Aesop?s Birthday ? June 4th ? His most classic story is about a lion and slave in ancient Greece. Lion is saved from thorn in paw by a slave whom he later faces in the arena. Instead of mauling him, they sit down to tea! Crowd cheers. Slave becomes new emperor, with Lion as his faithful sidekick. True ? every word!
- National Yo-Yo Day ? June 6th ? If you dunk a teabag, you get lots of practice with the basic wrist motion needed to properly operate a yo-yo. I knew there was at least ONE good thing about bagged tea!
- Frank Lloyd Wright?s Birthday in 1867 ? June 8th ?Through the ups and downs of his life, Wright still managed to forge a career building tea rooms. No, wait, sorry, it was houses and office buildings and the Marin County Building in California, and?
- Iced Tea Day ? June 10th ? Finally, a special day that?s really TEA-rrific!
- Red Rose Day ? June 12th ? Rose tea seems a natural today!
- Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen?s Birthday ? June 13th ? Who? Oh yeah, those oh-so-adorable moppets from ?Full House?. Actually, they shared the role, Mary Kate appearing sometimes, and Ashley appearing other times. I heard that one cried on cue and the other smiled on cue. Time to watch some reruns and see if I can tell which is which while sipping my tea.
- Smile Power Day ? June 15th ? Have some tea (one of your faves guaranteed to put a smile on your face), then go out into the world and see what happens!
- National Splurge Day ? June 18th ? Buy a pound of that high-priced exotic tea you?ve been wanting.
- Finally Summer Day ? June 21st ? For those of you who have been under cloudy skies and trying to protect your homes, etc., from floods, the start of Summer is here, so have a cuppa tea cheer!
- National Chocolate ?clair Day ? June 22nd ? Dontht thalk wittthhh thour mouttthhh pfullth.
- Johannes Gutenberg?s Birthday, born in 1400 ? June 23rd ? The inventor of the first printing press. That led to people being able to read widely, which led to greater knowledge overall. Eventually, it led to the Internet and lots of books about tea!
- National Pink Day ? June 23rd ? Steep your tea in a pink teapot and drink it from a pink teacup. Woo hoo!
- Swim a Lap Day ? June 24th ? You?re gonna need this if you overindulged on National Chocolate ?clair Day!
- LEON Day ? June 25th ? LEON, which is NOEL spelled backwards, marks the point on the calendar that?s six months away from Christmas. Get your gift list ready!
- National Chocolate Pudding Day ? June 26th ? For those of you who celebrated Swim a Lap Day, you get double helpings!
- Sun Glasses Day ? June 27th ? Slip on a pair to cut down on the glare from your cup of hot tea or glass of chilled / iced tea.
- Waffle Iron Day ? June 29th ? Give yours a real workout. While you?re at it, fry up some crispy bacon and steep up a big pot of your favorite morning tea!
- Meteor Day ? June 30th ? Just make sure one doesn?t fall on you. Have some tea and watch the skies at night to see if any of these meteors (also called ?shooting stars?) appear.
These should keep you busy during June. Pick a different tea for each occasion!
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